Conic anamorphosis is image drawing with shrinking the argument in the polar coordinates in a definite ratio, and the original image appears when we paste it on a cone and view it from the direction of the axis of the cone.
The original image is stored in an array. For each pixel in the drawing pane, we find the point that should be moved to the pixel, and get the color of the point to determine the color of the pixel.
The constant alpha determines the apex angle.
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 120 LET alpha=1/2*PI ! apex angle of the cone 130 SET COLOR MODE "NATIVE" ! enable true color 140 GLOAD "zenkouji.jpg" ! original image (any of BMP, GIF or JPEG) 150 ASK PIXEL SIZE (1,0;0,1)a,b ! find the width and length in pixels 160 DIM c(a,b) ! prepare an array fitting the size of the image 170 ASK PIXEL ARRAY (0,1) c ! store the color of points of the image to the array 180 ! c(1,1) left top, c(a,b) right bottom 190 CLEAR ! clear the image 200 SET bitmap SIZE 801, 801 ! re-size the window 210 SET WINDOW -400,400,-400,400 ! re-introduce coordinates 220 SET POINT STYLE 1 230 FOR y=-400 TO 400 240 FOR x=-400 TO 400 250 LET r=SQR(x^2+y^2)*SIN(alpha/2) 260 IF r<>0 THEN LET t=ANGLE(x,y)/SIN(alpha/2) 270 IF ABS(t)<=PI THEN 280 LET i=ROUND(1/2 + a/2 + r*COS(t), 0) ! left end 1, right end a 290 LET j=ROUND(1/2 + b/2 - r*SIN(t), 0) ! top end 1, bottom end b 300 IF 1<=i AND i<=a AND 1<=j AND j<=b THEN 310 SET POINT COLOR c(i,j) 320 PLOT POINTS:x,y 330 END IF 340 END IF 350 NEXT x 360 NEXT y 370 END
The following is an exclusive program for apex angle of 60°.
The section of the cone is located at -90°.
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 130 SET COLOR MODE "NATIVE" 140 GLOAD "tokeidai.JPG" 150 ASK PIXEL SIZE (1,0;0,1)a,b 160 DIM c(a,b) 170 ASK PIXEL ARRAY (0,1) c 180 ! c(1,1) left top, c(a,b) right bottom 190 CLEAR 200 SET bitmap SIZE 801, 801 210 SET WINDOW -400,400,-400,400 220 SET POINT STYLE 1 230 FOR y=0 TO 400 240 FOR x=-400 TO 400 250 LET r=SQR(x^2+y^2)/2 260 IF r<>0 THEN LET t=ANGLE(x,y)*2-PI/2 280 LET i=ROUND(1/2 + a/2 + r*COS(t), 0) ! left end 1, right end a 290 LET j=ROUND(1/2 + b/2 - r*SIN(t), 0) ! top end 1,bottom end b 300 IF 1<=i AND i<=a AND 1<=j AND j<=b THEN 310 SET POINT COLOR c(i,j) 320 PLOT POINTS:x,y 330 END IF 350 NEXT x 360 NEXT y 370 END
Orignal (shrunk by 1/2) Transformed (shrunk by 1/2)
The original image (Sapporo Clock Tower) was taken from here.
Cylindrical Mirror Anamorphosis is image drawing so that the original image appears when we view the image reflected by a cylindrical mirror. That is drawn by converting the vertical direction of the original to the radius of the polar coordinates and the horizontal direction to the argument of the polar coordinates. But if this conversion is linear, right images shall not appear.
Refer to
How Cylindrical Mirror Anamorphosis Works
We assume a ray radiated from the point of polar coordinate (r,θ) reflects on a cylindrical mirror of radius r0, and reaches the viewpoint on the x-axis distant from the origin by d.
Let the incident angle and reflection angle be α, the angle between the incident light and the radius OP be ψ, the angle between the reflection light and the x-axis be φ.
From the relation between interior angles and exterior angle of a triangle, We have
From the sine rule, we have
and hence
We find φ from r,θ using above relations.
As we have an approximation α=θ/2 if d,r are large, we ask ψ and φ from α, and hence we ask α from ψ and φ, and ask ψ and φ from α again.
The following program decreases the repetition by using previous ψ and φ for initial values for approximation. (lines 410~450)
The vertical height of the reflection point can be determined by r' and d'.
Note that θ, r', d' are denoted by t,rr and dd respectively in the program.
Original image is designated in line 120.
The height of viewpoint and the distance from the cylinder are set in lines 170 and 180.
Constants width,height and top in lines 230, 240 and 250 should be adjusted as the accomplished image can be contained.
The radius of the cylinder is set in line 220.
If you decrease the constant 1.00, you must change the lower margin (a in line 190) .
We assume the virtual image appears k times the radius of the cylinder behind of the frontend of the cylinder.
This assumption holds only for the point e times of the radius of the cylinder in front of the frontend of the cylinder.
The value e is determined in line 200.
The value k can be derived from e (line 210).
The value e concerns our perception. Thus e should be adjusted by experiments.
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 110 SET COLOR MODE "NATIVE" 120 GLOAD "tokeidai.JPG" ! original image 130 ASK PIXEL SIZE (0,0; 1,1) a,b 140 DIM c(a,b) 150 ASK PIXEL ARRAY (0,1) c ! store image into an array 160 CLEAR 170 LET h = b * 5 ! height of viewpoint 180 LET d = h * 1.2 ! horizontal distance of the viewpoint from the cylinder 190 LET m = 0 ! lower margin (inflation of the image position) 200 LET e=((b+m)/a)*(d/h)*2.0 210 LET k=1/(2+1/e) 220 LET r0 =SQR(1/(2*k-k^2))*(a/2)*1.00 ! radius of the cylinder 230 LET width=1200 ! width if drawing pane 240 LET height=900 ! height of drawing pane 250 LET top=200 ! location of the center of the cylinder 260 SET BITMAP SIZE width+1,height+1 270 LET bottom=-height+top 280 SET WINDOW -width/2, width/2, bottom , top 290 DRAW grid(100,100) 300 DRAW circle WITH SCALE(r0) ! Cylinder 305 PLOT POINTS: 0, -r0*(1*e) ! The position that is mirroed on the imaginary plane 310 LET d2=d-r0+r0*k ! distance to the imaginary plane 320 SET POINT STYLE 1 330 FOR x=-width/2 TO width/2 340 LET phi=0 350 LET psi=0 360 FOR y=bottom TO top 370 LET r=SQR(x^2+y^2) ! The absolute of the point 380 IF r>r0 THEN 390 LET t=ANGLE(x,y) +PI/2 400 IF t>PI THEN LET t=t-2*PI ! Argument of the point (-π~π), downward 0 410 FOR i=1 TO 2 420 LET alpha=(t+psi+phi)/2 430 LET phi=ASIN(r0*SIN(alpha)/d) 440 LET psi=ASIN(r0*SIN(alpha)/r) 450 NEXT i 460 IF ABS(alpha)<=PI/2 THEN 470 WHEN EXCEPTION IN 480 LET rr=r*SIN(alpha-psi)/SIN(alpha) 490 LET dd=d*SIN(alpha-phi)/SIN(alpha) 500 USE 510 LET rr=r-r0 520 LET dd=d-r0 530 END WHEN 540 LET y0=h/(1+dd/rr) 550 LET x0=d2*TAN(phi) ! x-coordinate of original image 560 LET y0=h-d2*(h-y0)/(d-r0*COS(alpha-phi)) ! y-coordinate of original image 570 LET i=ROUND(x0+ (a+1)/2,0) ! array index for x0 580 LET j=b-ROUND(y0-m) ! array index for y0 590 IF i>0 AND i<=a AND j>0 AND j<=b THEN 600 SET POINT COLOR c(i,j) 610 PLOT POINTS : x,y 620 END IF 630 END if 640 END if 650 NEXT y 660 NEXT x 670 END
Original (shrunk by 1/4)
Transformed (shrunk by 1/4)
Accomplished images should be pasted on MS Word or so, printed enlarging as the size of cylinder should become that of the actual cylindrical mirror.