In the complex mode, Decimal BASIC allows a complex function to be defiled, hence a transformation on the complex plane can be defined as a function in BASIC.
But a function cannot be applied to a picture definition, so we write a program in which each drawing command is designated with the transformed points.
In addition, inverse transformation is sometimes useful, but BASIC does not generate a inverse of a function.
When we draw a curve represented by parametric equations, we apply the mapping to each point, and plot the point by separating the coordinates into the real and the imaginary part.
[Note] A curve represented by parametric equations x=f(t), y=g(t) in rectangular coordinates can be represented by a function f(t)+i*g(t).
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC COMPLEX 110 LET i=SQR(-1) 120 DEF F(z)=z^3 ! Transformation on the complex plane 130 DEF C(t)=-1+(1+2*i)*t ! parametric curve (or line) 140 SET POINT STYLE 1 150 SET WINDOW -10,10,-10,10 160 DRAW grid 170 FOR t=-10 TO 10 STEP 0.001 180 LET z=C(t) 190 LET w=F(z) 200 SET POINT COLOR 2 210 PLOT POINTS: RE(z),IM(z) 220 SET POINT COLOR 4 230 PLOT POINTS: RE(w),IM(w) 240 NEXT t 250 END
When we transform an image with the mapping w=z3, we cannot get a good image by plotting the transformed point for each point of the image. In this case, inverse transformation is useful.
We transform a image put on the first quadrant with a map w=z3.
As the resulting image spans among the first, second and third quadrants, we find the point z(=u+vi) such that w=z3 for each point w(=x+yi) in the first, second or third quadrant and move the color of z to w.
In the following program, the portion made of lines from 300 to 330 is the inverse function.
The original image is put in the fourth quadrant for the sake of handling.
90 REM 写像w=z^3 100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 110 OPTION ANGLE DEGREES 120 SET COLOR MODE "NATIVE" ! enables true color 130 GLOAD "nya.JPG" ! An arbitrary image (BMP, GIF, or JPEG) can be designated here 140 ASK PIXEL SIZE (0,0; 1,1) a,b ! Find the width and length in pixels 150 DIM p(a,b) ! prepare an array fitting the image size. 160 ASK PIXEL ARRAY (0,1) p ! store the colors of each point of the image 170 LET s=MAX(a,b) 180 SET bitmap SIZE 2*s+1,2*s+1 190 CLEAR ! initialize the screen 200 SET WINDOW -s,s,-s,s ! set the coordinate system in pixels 210 LET k=SQR(1/2) ! in the logical coordinates, x and y lies between -k and k 220 MAT PLOT CELLS, IN 1,-1 ; a,-b : p ! moves the original image to the fourth quadrant 230 DRAW grid(0.1, 0.1) WITH SCALE(s/k) ! draw a grid with compensation 240 SET POINT STYLE 1 ! change the point style to ・ 250 FOR xx=-s TO s 260 FOR yy=-s TO s 270 IF xx<0 OR yy>0 THEN ! if the point lies in 1,2 or 3 quadrant 280 LET x=xx*k/s ! logical x-coordinate 290 LET y=yy*k/s ! logical y-coordinate 300 LET r=SQR(x^2+y^2)^(1/3) ! the cubic root of the absolute 310 LET t=MOD(ANGLE(x,y),360)/3 ! divide the argument by 3 320 LET u=r*COS(t) ! logical x-coordinate on the original image 330 LET v=r*SIN(t) ! logical x-coordinate on the original image 340 LET uu=ROUND(u/k*s) ! convert to pixel coordinate 350 LET vv=ROUND(v/k*s) ! convert to pixel coordinate 360 IF uu>=1 AND uu<=a AND vv>=1 AND vv<=b THEN 370 ASK PIXEL VALUE (uu, vv-1-b) c 380 IF c>=0 THEN 390 SET POINT COLOR c 400 PLOT POINTS:xx,yy 410 END IF 420 END IF 430 END IF 440 NEXT yy 450 NEXT xx 460 END
The original picture was taken from here.
If the transformation is the map w=zn and 0 < n≦3, we modify lines 300 and 310.
If the transformation is the map w=z4, the original image cannot be put into the fourth quadrant, then the color of a point should be obtained from the two-dimensional array.
In each case, the value k in line 210 must be modified.