Elementary Sample Programs

The following programs can be copied with selecting the program body except END and be pasted on BASIC to be executed.

  1. Programs that find the solution of the equation ax+b=0 when two numbers a and b are input separated by a comma.

    Program 1.

    100 INPUT a,b
    110 IF a=0 THEN
    120    IF b=0 THEN 
    130       PRINT "Any number"
    140    ELSE
    150       PRINT "No solutions"
    160    END IF 
    170 ELSE
    180    PRINT -b/a
    190 END IF 
    200 END

    Program 2.

    100 INPUT a,b
    110 IF a<>0 THEN
    120    PRINT -b/a
    130 ELSE
    140    IF b<>0 THEN 
    150       PRINT "No solutions"
    160    ELSE
    170       PRINT "Any number"
    180    END IF 
    190 END IF 
    200 END

    Note. The inequality (≠)is described as "<>" in BASIC.

    Program 3.
    The logic in program 2 can be represent as follows using ELSEIF. 

    100 INPUT a,b
    110 IF a<>0 THEN
    120    PRINT -b/a
    130 ELSEIF b<>0 THEN 
    140    PRINT "No solution"
    150 ELSE
    160    PRINT "Any number"
    170 END IF 
    180 END

  2. Programs that answer the year is common or leap when a year is input.

    Program 1.

    100 INPUT y
    110 IF MOD(y,4)=0 THEN
    120    IF MOD(y,100)=0 THEN
    130       IF MOD(y,400)=0 THEN 
    140          PRINT "leap"
    150       ELSE
    160          PRINT "common"
    170       END IF
    180    ELSE    
    190       PRINT "leap"
    200    END IF
    210 ELSE
    220    PRINT "common"
    230 END IF
    240 END

    Note. MOD(a, b) finds the remainder of a divided by b.

    Program 2.

    100 INPUT y
    110 IF MOD(y,4)<>0 THEN
    120    PRINT "common"
    130 ELSEIF MOD(y,100)<>0 THEN
    140    PRINT "leap"
    150 ELSEIF MOD(y,400)<>0 THEN
    160    PRINT "common"
    170 ELSE
    180    PRINT "leap"
    190 END IF
    200 END

    Program 3 

    10 INPUT y
    20 IF MOD(y,4)=0 AND (MOD(y,100)<>0 OR MOD(y,400)=0) THEN
    30    PRINT "leap"
    40 ELSE
    50    PRINT "common"
    60 END IF
    70 END

    Program 4. 

    10 INPUT y
    20 IF MOD(y,4)<>0 OR (MOD(y,100)=0 AND MOD(y,400)<>0) THEN
    30    PRINT "common"
    40 ELSE
    50    PRINT "leap"
    60 END IF
    70 END

    As AND exceeds OR in BASIC, the 20-line in Program 4 can be written as follows.
    20 IF MOD(y,4)<>0 OR MOD(y,100)=0 AND MOD(y,400)<>0 THEN

  3. Programs that make the multiplication table.

    (Examples on nested FOR~NEXT loops and output control)

    Program 1

    10 FOR a=1 TO 9
    20    FOR b=1 TO 9
    30       PRINT a*b;
    40    NEXT b
    50    PRINT 
    60 NEXT a
    70 END


     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
     2  4  6  8  10  12  14  16  18 
     3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27 
     4  8  12  16  20  24  28  32  36 
     5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45 
     6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54 
     7  14  21  28  35  42  49  56  63 
     8  16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72 
     9  18  27  36  45  54  63  72  81 

    If a PRINT statement has a semicolon at the end, the PRINT statement that shall be executed next shall output items successively.
    A positive numbers has a preceding space and a successive space.
    A PRINT statement with no items shall only output a line feed.

    Program 2

    20 FOR a=1 TO 9
    30    FOR b=1 TO 9
    40       PRINT a*b,
    50    NEXT b
    60    PRINT 
    70 NEXT a
    80 END


     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
     2   4   6   8   10  12  14  16  18 
     3   6   9   12  15  18  21  24  27 
     4   8   12  16  20  24  28  32  36 
     5   10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45 
     6   12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54 
     7   14  21  28  35  42  49  56  63 
     8   16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72 
     9   18  27  36  45  54  63  72  81 

    SET ZONEWIDTH determines the width of the column for an item.
    If a PRINT statement has a comma at the end, The PRINT statement that shall be executed next shall output items form the next column with no line feed.

    Program 3.

    10 FOR a=1 TO 9
    20    FOR b=1 TO 9
    30       PRINT USING "####": a*b;
    40    NEXT b
    50    PRINT 
    60 NEXT a
    70 END


       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
       2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18
       3   6   9  12  15  18  21  24  27
       4   8  12  16  20  24  28  32  36
       5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45
       6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54
       7  14  21  28  35  42  49  56  63
       8  16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72
       9  18  27  36  45  54  63  72  81

    PRINT USING outputs items with formats. The format and output-items are separated by a colon.
    A PRINT USING statement can have a colon or semicolon at the end.
    In this case, the effect is the same as that of a regular PRINT statement.
    A Format consists of #'s enclosed by " and ".
    One # assigns one digit of the numeric. A numeric is right-aligned in the format.

  4. A program that calculates the factorial of n.

    A variable that has been assigned one beforehand shall be multiplied by successive integers from 1 to n.

    10 INPUT n
    20 LET a=1
    30 FOR i=1 TO n
    40    LET a=a*i
    50 NEXT i
    60 PRINT a
    70 END

  5. A program that outputs the sum of the first n terms of the sequence a(n) that is defined in a DEF-statment.

    10 DEF a(n)=n^2+3*n+2
    20 INPUT n
    30 LET s=0
    40 FOR k=1 TO n
    50    LET s=s+a(k)
    60 NEXT k
    70 PRINT s
    80 END

    A variable s, to which a(1), a(2), ..., a(n) shall be added successively, is prepared for calculation.
    "n"s in the DEF-line and "n"s in other lines are different variables, because "n" is indicated as a parameter of a function in the DEF-line.

  6. A program that finds the average of ten numbers written in the DATA statement.

    10 DATA 34,29,34,90,12,78,66,85,34,92
    20 LET s=0
    30 FOR i=1 TO 10
    40    READ a
    50    LET s=s+a
    60 NEXT i
    70 PRINT s/10
    80 END

    A READ statement read a number successively from the DATA statement.

  7. A program that finds the average of indefinite number of numbers written in the DATA statement.

    100 DATA 34,29,34,90,12,78,66,85,13,99,12,67
    110 LET n=0
    120 LET s=0
    130 DO
    150    LET n=n+1
    160    LET s=s+a
    170 LOOP
    180 PRINT "number of items";n
    190 PRINT "total";s
    200 PRINT "average"; s/n
    210 END

    READ IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO terminates the repetition of DO~LOOP when data is exhausted.
    Two items written in a PRINT statement separated by a semicolon shall be output consecutively.

  8. Assume that the full marks of a test is 100 points. Make a program that replies the distribution of the marks with class width 10, when the number of pupils is entered and then their marks are entered individually.

    Program 1.
    100 DIM a(0 TO 10)
    110 MAT a=ZER 
    120 INPUT PROMPT "number of sheets": n
    130 FOR k=1 TO n
    140    INPUT PROMPT STR$(k)&"-th mark": x
    150    IF  0<=x AND x<10  THEN LET a(0)=a(0)+1
    160    IF 10<=x AND x<20  THEN LET a(1)=a(1)+1
    170    IF 20<=x AND x<30  THEN LET a(2)=a(2)+1
    180    IF 30<=x AND x<40  THEN LET a(3)=a(3)+1
    190    IF 40<=x AND x<50  THEN LET a(4)=a(4)+1
    200    IF 50<=x AND x<60  THEN LET a(5)=a(5)+1
    210    IF 60<=x AND x<70  THEN LET a(6)=a(6)+1
    220    IF 70<=x AND x<80  THEN LET a(7)=a(7)+1
    230    IF 80<=x AND x<90  THEN LET a(8)=a(8)+1
    240    IF 90<=x AND x<100 THEN LET a(9)=a(9)+1
    250    IF 100=x         THEN LET a(10)=a(10)+1
    260 NEXT k
    270 PRINT "  0s ",a( 0)
    280 PRINT " 10s ",a( 1)
    290 PRINT " 20s ",a( 2)
    300 PRINT " 30s ",a( 3)
    310 PRINT " 40s ",a( 4)
    320 PRINT " 50s ",a( 5)
    330 PRINT " 60s ",a( 6)
    340 PRINT " 70s ",a( 7)
    350 PRINT " 80s ",a( 8)
    360 PRINT " 90s ",a( 9)
    370 PRINT "100s ",a(10)
    380 END

    MAT a=ZER in line 110 substitutes zeros for all elements of an array a.
    Full BASIC has two types of if-statement, IF ~ END IF, which is written spanning multiple lines, and simple IF statement , which is written in one line. In case that a statement follows THEN, this if statement is a simple IF statement, and then there is no corresponding END IF. But simple IF statement has only one statement followed by THEN.

    Program 2

    100 DIM a(0 TO 10)
    110 MAT a=ZER
    120 INPUT PROMPT "number of sheets ": n
    130 FOR k=1 TO n
    140    INPUT PROMPT STR$(k)&"-th mark ": x
    150    FOR i=0 TO 10 
    160       IF i*10<=x AND x<10*(i+1) THEN  LET a(i)=a(i)+1
    170    NEXT i
    180 NEXT k
    190 FOR i=0 TO 10
    200    PRINT 10*i;"s ",a(i)
    210 NEXT i
    220 END

    Program 3

    100 DIM a(0 TO 10)
    110 MAT a=ZER  
    120 INPUT PROMPT "number of sheets ": n
    130 FOR k=1 TO n
    140    INPUT PROMPT STR$(k)&"-th mark ": x
    150    LET i=INT(x/10)
    160    LET a(i)=a(i)+1
    170 NEXT k
    180 FOR i=0 TO 10
    190    PRINT 10*i;"s ",a(i)
    200 NEXT i
    210 END

  9. Make a program that replies the highest mark and the lowest mark when the marks are entered as the above.

    Program 1
    100 INPUT PROMPT "number of sheets ": n
    110 INPUT PROMPT "first mark ": x
    120 LET max=x
    130 LET min=x
    140 FOR k=2 TO n
    150    INPUT PROMPT STR$(k)&"-th mark ": x
    160    IF x>max THEN LET max=x
    170    IF x<min THEN LET min=x
    180 NEXT k
    190 PRINT "highest "; max
    200 PRINT "lowest  "; min
    210 END

    When a new mark is entered, if it exceeds the previous highest mark, it shall be the current highest mark.

    Program 2
    100 INPUT PROMPT "number of sheets ": n
    110 LET max=0
    120 LET min=100
    130 FOR k=1 TO n
    140    INPUT PROMPT STR$(k)&"-th mark ": x
    150    IF x>max THEN LET max=x
    160    IF x<min THEN LET min=x
    170 NEXT k
    180 PRINT "highest "; max
    190 PRINT "lowest  "; min
    200 END

    When the range of numerics shall be input is definite, both bounds can be employed as the initial values of highest or lowest values.

  10. Numerical Integration

    A program that calculates an approximate value of the definite integral of the function f defined in the DEF statement over the interval [a, b], applying the trapezoidal rule, the mid-point rule and Simpson's rule.

    100 DEF f(x)=SIN(x)          ! the integrand
    110 LET a=0                  ! the lower bound
    120 LET b=PI                 ! the upper bound
    130 LET n=10000              ! the number of subintervals
    140 LET h=(b-a)/n            ! the width of a subinterval
    150 LET t=(f(a)+f(b))/2      ! the trapeziodal rule begins
    160 FOR i=1 TO n-1
    170    LET t=t+f(a+i*h)
    180 NEXT i
    190 LET t=t*h                ! approximate value by the trapezoidal rule
    200 LET m=0                  ! the mid-point rule begins
    210 FOR i=0.5 TO n-0.5
    220    LET m=m+f(a+i*h)
    230 NEXT i
    240 LET m=m*h                ! the approximate value by the mid-point rule
    250 LET s=(t+2*m)/3          ! the approximate value by Simpson's rule
    260 PRINT "the trapezoidal rule",t
    270 PRINT "the mid-point rule"  ,m
    280 PRINT "Simpson's rule"      ,s
    290 END

  11. Series expansion of sine and cosine

    Each term of the expansion of sine or cosine is in the form xn / n!.
    Noticing xn / n! = (x/1)・(x/2)・(x/3)・…・(x/n), this term can be obtained by multiplying a variable that has been given the initial value 1 by x/1,x/2,x/3,…,x/n.
    The expansion of the sine function is made from these terms with adding if the remainder of the index divided by 4 is 1, subtracting if it is 3.

    100 REM Exapansion of Sine
    110 LET x=PI/6
    120 LET t=1
    130 LET s=0
    140 FOR i=1 TO 60
    150    LET t=t*x/i
    160    SELECT CASE MOD(i,4)
    170    CASE 1
    180       LET s=s+t
    190       PRINT i, s 
    200    CASE 3
    210       LET s=s-t
    220       PRINT i, s 
    230    CASE ELSE
    240    END SELECT
    250 NEXT i
    260 END

    In case of the cosine function, terms are added if the remainder divided by 4 is 0, subtracted if it is 2.

    100 REM Expansion of Cosine
    110 LET x=PI/6
    120 LET t=1
    130 LET c=1  
    140 FOR i=1 TO 60
    150    LET t=t*x/i
    160    SELECT CASE MOD(i,4)
    170    CASE 0
    180       LET c=c+t
    190       PRINT i, c 
    200    CASE 2
    210       LET c=c-t
    220       PRINT i, c 
    230    CASE ELSE
    240    END SELECT
    250 NEXT i
    260 END

    These two programs can be executed in Decimal BASIC on the decimal mode and the binary mode, but repetition of addition and subtraction decreases the accuracy. It is recommended that they are executed on the 1000-digit decimal mode in order to decrease errors.

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