Sample data
Have these files ready beforehand to run the following sample programs.
(These are generated by using random numbers.)
Description Statistics
Read a file to calculate the number of items, the mean and the standard deviation.
100 OPEN #1: NAME "ex1.txt" 110 LET n=0 ! Number of items 120 LET s=0 ! Sum 130 LET s2=0 ! Sum of Square 140 DO 150 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO : x 160 LET n=n+1 170 LET s=s+x 180 LET s2=s2+x^2 190 LOOP 200 PRINT "Number of items",n 210 PRINT "Mean",s/n 220 PRINT "Standard deviation",SQR(s2/n-(s/n)^2) 230 CLOSE #1 240 END |
Make a distribution table from a test result of full mark 10 point.
120 DIM f(0 TO 10) 130 MAT f=ZER 140 OPEN #1: NAME "data2.txt" 150 DO 160 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO : x 170 LET f(x)=f(x)+1 180 LOOP 190 CLOSE #1 200 FOR x=0 TO 10 210 PRINT x;"point", f(x);"persons" 220 NEXT x 230 END |
Make a class width 10 distribution table of a test result with full mark 100 point.
110 DIM f(0 TO 10) 120 MAT f=ZER 130 OPEN #1: NAME "data3.txt" 140 DO 150 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO : x 160 LET i=INT(x/10) 170 LET f(i)=f(i)+1 180 LOOP 190 CLOSE #1 200 FOR i=0 TO 10 210 PRINT i*10;"s point",f(i);"persons" 220 NEXT i 230 END |
Read bivariate data to sum up the means, the standard deviations and the correlation.
100 OPEN #1:NAME "data4.txt" 110 LET n=0 ! number of items 120 LET mx=0 ! sum of x 130 LET my=0 ! sum of y 140 LET xx=0 ! sum of x^2 150 LET yy=0 ! sum of y^2 160 LET xy=0 ! sum of x*y 170 DO 180 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO:x,y 190 LET n=n+1 200 LET mx=mx+x 210 LET my=my+y 220 LET xx=xx+x^2 230 LET yy=yy+y^2 240 LET xy=xy+x*y 250 LOOP 260 LET mx=mx/n ! mean of x 270 LET my=my/n ! mean of y 280 LET sx=SQR(xx/n-mx^2) ! sd of x 290 LET sy=SQR(yy/n-my^2) ! sd of y 300 LET sxy=xy/n-mx*my 310 PRINT sxy/(sx*sy) ! correlation 320 CLOSE #1 330 END |
PLot a scatter graph
110 OPEN #1:NAME "data4.txt" 120 SET WINDOW 100,200,0,100 130 DRAW grid WITH SCALE(10,10) 140 DO 150 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO: x,y 160 PLOT POINTS:x,y 170 LOOP 180 CLOSE #1 190 END |
Plot two regression lines.
100 OPEN #1:NAME "data4.txt" 110 ! preparation 120 LET n=0 ! Number of Items 130 LET mx=0 ! Sum of x 140 LET my=0 ! Sum of y 150 LET xx=0 ! Sum of x^2 160 LET yy=0 ! Sum of y^2 170 LET xy=0 ! Sum of x*y 180 ! Coordinate setting 190 LET left=100 200 LET right=200 210 LET bottom=0 220 LET top=100 230 SET WINDOW left,right,bottom,top 240 DRAW grid WITH SCALE(10,10) 250 ! Read data 260 DO 270 INPUT #1,IF MISSING THEN EXIT DO: x,y 280 LET n=n+1 290 LET mx=mx+x 300 LET my=my+y 310 LET xx=xx+x^2 320 LET yy=yy+y^2 330 LET xy=xy+x*y 340 PLOT POINTS:x,y 350 LOOP 360 ! make a suumury 370 LET mx=mx/n ! mean of x 380 LET my=my/n ! mean of y 390 LET sx=SQR(xx/n-mx^2) ! sd of x 400 LET sy=SQR(yy/n-my^2) ! sd of y 410 LET sxy=xy/n-mx*my 420 LET r=sxy/(sx*sy) ! correlation 430 ! draw regression lines 440 DEF f(x)=a*(x-mx)+my 450 SET LINE STYLE 2 460 LET a=r*sy/sx 470 PLOT LINES:left,f(left);right,f(right) 480 SET LINE STYLE 3 490 LET a=1/r*sy/sx 500 PLOT LINES:left,f(left);right,f(right) 510 520 CLOSE #1 530 END |
Probability distribution of the number of dice with spot 1 rolling n dice.
110 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 120 SET WINDOW -1,49,-0.01,0.49 130 DRAW axes0 140 INPUT n 150 FOR k=0 TO n 160 LET p=Comb(n,k)/6^n*5^(n-k) 170 PLOT LINES: k-0.5,0 ; k-0.5,p ; k+0.5,p ; k+0.5,0 180 NEXT k 190 END |
A simulation of a distribution of sample means.
100 DIM a(1000) ! population 110 LET n=10 ! sample size 120 DIM s(n) ! sample 130 OPEN #1: NAME "data3.txt" 140 FOR i=1 TO 1000 150 INPUT #1:a(i) 160 NEXT i 170 CLOSE #1 180 DIM d(0 TO 100) 190 MAT d=ZER 200 RANDOMIZE 210 LET times=2000 ! number of experiment 220 FOR t=1 TO times 230 FOR i=1 TO n 240 LET s(i)=a(INT(RND*1000)+1) 250 NEXT i 260 LET m=0 270 FOR i=1 TO n 280 LET m=m+s(i) 290 NEXT i 300 LET m=m/n 310 LET i=INT(m) 320 LET d(i)=d(i)+1 330 NEXT t 340 SET WINDOW 0,100,0,0.4 350 FOR i=0 TO 100 360 PLOT AREA:i,0;i+1,0;i+1,d(i)/times;i,d(i)/times 370 NEXT i 380 END |
Distributions of the averages of k dice and the normal distributions approximating them.
100 DIM f(10,60) 110 MAT f=ZER 120 FOR x=1 TO 6 130 LET f(1,x)=1 140 NEXT x 150 FOR k=2 TO 10 160 FOR x=k TO 6*k 170 FOR y=x-6 TO x-1 180 IF k-1<=y AND y<=6*(k-1) THEN LET f(k,x)=f(k,x)+f(k-1,y) 190 NEXT y 200 NEXT x 210 NEXT k 220 SET WINDOW -1, 7, -0.03, 1 230 FOR k=1 TO 10 240 CLEAR 250 SET LINE COLOR 1 260 DRAW axes 270 LET w=1/k 280 FOR x=k TO 6*k 290 LET h=f(k,x)/6^k/w 300 PLOT LINES: x/k-w/2,0; x/k-w/2,h; x/k+w/2,h; x/k+w/2,0 310 NEXT x 320 WAIT DELAY 1 330 LET m=7/2 340 LET s2=35/12/k 350 LET s=SQR(s2) 360 SET LINE COLOR 4 370 FOR x=0 TO 7 STEP 0.01 380 PLOT LINES:x,1/(SQR(2*PI)*s)*EXP(-(x-m)^2/(2*s2)); 390 NEXT x 400 PLOT LINES 410 WAIT DELAY 1 420 NEXT k 430 END |
Cumulative distribution of a binomial distribution B(n, p).
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 110 DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION C 120 LET n=180 130 LET p=1/6 140 LET t=0 150 FOR k=0 TO n 160 LET t=t+C(n,k)*p^k*(1-p)^(n-k) 170 PRINT USING "### #.######":k,t 180 NEXT k 190 END 200 ! the binomial coefficient 210 EXTERNAL FUNCTION C(n,r) 220 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 230 IF r=0 THEN LET C=1 ELSE LET C=C(n-1,r-1)*n/r 240 END FUNCTION |
This program can be applied for at most n=1020. If n exceeds 1020, an overflow will occur in calculation of the binomial coefficient.
Cumulative distribution of a binomial distribution B(n, p), revised.
100 OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE 110 LET n=1200 120 LET p=1/6 130 LET t = (1-p)^n ! Cumulative probability 140 LET u = 0 ! Logarithm of the binomial coefficient 150 FOR k = 1 TO n 160 LET u = u + LOG2(n-k+1)-LOG2(k) 170 LET t = t + 2^( u + k*LOG2(p) + (n-k)*LOG2(1-p)) 180 PRINT USING "##### #.######":k,t 190 NEXT k 200 END |
Overflow is suppressed using logarithm.
More sample programs are put to the public
here (in Japanese).
Decimal BASIC has a library of calculating some probability distributions.
PROBDIST.LIB has normal, t, χ2,F distributions,
DiscDist.LIB has binomial, hyper-geometric, Poisson, negative binomial distributions.
These files are located in the subfolder "Library.
Example of usage.
Cumulative distribution Pr(X ≤ i), where X is the number of inferior goods sampling 6 without replacement from the bulk of 18000 goods which contains 3000 inferior goods.
10 DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION HyperGeomLCum 20 DECLARE NUMERIC NN,M,n,i 30 LET NN=18000 40 LET M=3000 50 LET n=6 60 FOR i=0 TO n 70 PRINT i,HyperGeomLCum(NN,M,n,i) 80 NEXT i 90 END 100 MERGE "discdist.lib"