As RND-function in Full BASIC can be considered as a random variable that distributes uniformly over the interval[0,1), the mean of it is 1/2, and variance 1/12.
Hence, Adding 12 of them and subtracting 6 makes a random variable of mean 0 and of variance 1.
The central limit theorem insists that the sum of many random numbers normally distributes, but as for the sum of uniform random numbers, the distribution of the sum of only 12 random numbers is considerably close to the normal distribution.
Random Number with the Standard Normal Distribution
We can obtain the random numbers whose distribution is N(μ,σ2), that is, of mean μ and of variance σ2, by nrandom multiplying by σ and adding μ.
Another famous method of obtaining a normal random numbers from uniform random numbers is Box-Muller method.
A program that generates 1000 random numbers with the standard normal distribution by Box-Muller method.
100 DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION Box_Muller.NRandom 110 FOR k=1 TO 1000 120 PRINT USING "-%.######":NRandom 130 NEXT k 140 END 1000 MODULE Box_Muller 1010 PUBLIC FUNCTION NRandom 1040 SHARE NUMERIC r,t,s 1090 LET s=0 1100 EXTERNAL FUNCTION NRandom 1150 IF s=0 THEN 1160 LET r=SQR(-2*LOG(1-RND)) 1170 LET t=2*PI*RND 1180 LET NRandom=r*COS(t) 1190 LET s=1 1200 ELSE 1210 LET NRandom=r*SIN(t) 1220 LET s=0 1230 END IF 1240 END FUNCTION 1300 END MODULE
RANDOM.LIB included in Decimal BASIC contains some external function definitions that generate normal random numbers and so on.
Usage example.
A program that generates 20 random numbers that follows the normal distribution N(50,102).
10 DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION RNDNormal 20 DECLARE NUMERIC m,s,i 30 LET m=50 40 LET s=10 50 RANDOMIZE 60 FOR i=1 TO 20 70 PRINT RNDNormal(m,s) 80 NEXT i 90 END 100 MERGE "random.lib"
RANDOM.LIB will be found in the "Library" subfolder of the folder where Decimal BASIC has been installed.