Decimal BASIC for Mac

MAC (intel)

Decimal BASIC

Nov. 5, 2023

Download BASIC8126En_Mac_Intel.zip,
and extract into a regular folder whose path name has no space characters.
Note that when you installed in a USB drive, if it has a name such as "NO NAME", it must be renamed.

To launch, control-click BASIC.app, for the first time.
Part of help files and sample programs remain written in Japanese.
See Help for Windows edition, more part of which has been translated.

Calculation thread and Drawing thread has been splited from Ver. 8.0.1

Mac (Apple Silicon)

BASIC generic

Nov. 5, 2023

For Apple Silicon Mac,
Download BASIC0741En_Mac_ARM.zip.

BASIC generic

Oct. 16, 2023

Decimal BASIC Ver. 8 does not work properly on Apple Silicon Mac.
BASIC generic works good on Rosetta2.
Download BASIC0904En_Mac.zip.

Trouble Shooting

"basic" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

Right-click the folder "BASICEn", and then select "New Terminal at Folder".
On the terminal, type xattr -rc BASIC.app and then hit the RETURN key.

Known Faults

(1) NOTXOR (or MASK, MERGE, XOR) Draw mode does not work correctly.
(2) The behavior of MOUSE POLL is no good. The button state can be changed once after mouse clicked outside of the Graphics window.

Lazarus Project

Decimal BASIC main page

inserted by FC2 system